The official language is croatian. We also speak english and german
Time zone
GMT + 1
Electricity and water
220 V, 50 Hz | The water from the tap is drinkable and of superb quality
Croatian kuna (HRK) is the official currency
The price list is located at the bottom of every apartment’s respective page. The prices are listed in €, payment in € or HRK
Reservation and payment
To make a reservation for an apartment, an advance payment (50% of the total amount) must be transfered to a bank account whose information will be provided by the owner. The remaining sum is paid on the day of arrival during check-in
Payment options
By bank transaction to the account
IBAN HR7124020063100430605
Online, via credit card

Secure online credit card authorization in real time WSPAY secure payment gateway

Check-in and check-out
On the day of arrival entrance is permitted after 14:00. On the day of departure guests are required to vacate the apartment before 9:30.
Acquaint yourself with the House rules and General terms & conditions